Saturday, January 3, 2015

Reading Challenge for 2015 and Other Book-Related Things

In celebration for my sudden enthusiasm towards my book collection, I've decided to try a reading challenge for 2015 that a friend of mine had sent me. She sent it to me over Tumblr and it looks really fun and I will link it at the bottom of this post. I have already begun planning the books I will be reading for the challenge. Currently, I've started the novel Cut by Patricia McCormick as the first book to help me with the challenge. Its short and quick, which is perfect considering that college will once again start soon and that means a ton of work coming my way.

Also, I've found this website to help me organize and share my personal library. Its called and is basically a large organization tool for anyone who wants to list their library online for others to see. You can also rate and review books, add books to the database, chat with local people who also have accounts, etc. It seems pretty cool, so feel free to check out my library on there as well. My username is IAmQuigg and I will post the link at the bottom as well.

ALSO, this summer of 2015 will officially be my fantasy summer as far as reading literature. I have made a deal with my friend to focus only on books pertaining to a fantasy setting or plot. Currently some books on the list include:

  • Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  • The Eragon books
  • As many Neil Gaiman books as I can fit
  • Possibly the Artemis Fowl series?
  • The Inkheart series.
I know its not much right now, but it will grow as I continue to plan for the summer. Then the next summer after that will be entirely focused on the dozens of Star Wars novels I have hidden away in a large drawer under my cabinet. That will be a crazy time.

Here is the link to the 2015 reading challenge which I encourage everyone to participate in:

And here is the library organizer:

I hope everyone is having a great winter break and is ready for the start of a new year. More news pertaining to my college career will come soon.