Thursday, August 22, 2013

Podcast Series Idea

I've always wanted to make a podcast about something, where I just talked and people listened and it would just be fun, but two problems continued to occur:

1.) Couldn't decide what the focus of the podcast should be.
2.) No one else to do the show with me.

Recently, however, I've began listening to a podcast that has been rising in popularity called Welcome to Nightvale.  Its a fictional podcast that serves as a local radio station for Nightvale, a small town located in the middle of a desert where strange and scientifically boggling events occur.  It is a really fun podcast, and I highly recommend it.

Anyways, out of this podcast, ideas have been forming in my head for my own podcast series, and the more I think about it, the more excited and prepared I feel to do this.  

My idea centers around a teenager around the age of 16 who is completely invisible, and is pretty much going on with his life in this physically-unseeable state.  He's in love with a girl who can't see him, and he is figuring things out about his past that will affect him later in life.  Anyway, its his personal blog about being invisible, and I've already started writing for it.  So, if all goes according to plan, I will be focusing on the production of this for the next few weeks.  I'll post info and stuff on here, too, so keep checking for updates!

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