Wednesday, October 8, 2014

To the Lovely Girl in the Window

It strikes me as surprising how I’ve never noticed
The gloomy shadows of this dark neighborhood
Until I discovered the warm summer’s light
From the window where she stood.
During a casual, nightly drive,
I took nothing more than a glance
And in that moment, to see you there
In your beauty, and your brilliance
To spend an infinity in mere seconds
When my modest peek turned into a longing stare
As I saw all I needed in my life
Standing at the window, combing her hair.
Her eyes drifted out into the night
Oh, how the urgency rose in my to catch them
To pluck her vision and keep it close
I would treasure her attention like a valuable gem.
“Do not judge a book by it’s cover,”
Is a relatively flawed and dated phrase
For in that moment, I felt as if
I had read her entire story, page to page.
Perhaps, if only out of desperation
The only end I could possibly see
To this plotline that she has beautifully crafted
Would be to end it with me.
But, as forever drew to a close
And reality continued its forward motion
I realized the flaw of my captivating fantasy
And the foolishness of my lovesick notion.
Because it wasn’t until my vision of her was broken
That I realized, to her, I was nothing.
I wish I could say I saw her again
But sadly, I would be bluffing.
To her, I was simply another, aimless soul.
Traveling through a nightly void of nonexistent dreams
A background piece for her own life story
A speck of dust on her life’s support beams
Obvious, I know, that I wanted more
There was only so much I could’ve taken
It is best to move with the flow of time
Instead of deeming my heart a forsaken
So I move ahead with her tucked away
In the recesses of my mind’s eye
Since I couldn’t say it then, I might as well say it now

To the lovely girl in the window, good-bye.

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