Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Interview Slip-up.

Yesterday, I had an over-the-phone interview with a company I've been trying to volunteer at for awhile. I'll explain the details of who they are after they have decided my fate (not that I think its much of a secret, but I'm just being safe.) Its been a long process, from application to a phone interview to doing some preliminary tasks for them to the second interview, which is the subject of the story.

I won't describe the whole interview in great detail, but overall I would describe it as decent. There were some aspects about my answers to his questions that he seemed to enjoy and others where my confidence lacks. It wasn't a terrible interview by any means. In fact, it was pretty basic and very short, lasting only about 10-15 minutes (which may not bode well for me, but he didn't seem to have many questions. But maybe he was tired of talking to me. But maybe ah). Yet despite the shaky experience, the final words of the conversation is where my embarrassment derives.

After he had finished with his questions, he asked if I had any of my own. I told him I didn't (which should never be the case, always have questions with your interviewer. It shows interest.) and he said he would get back to me in about a week. We both said our thank yous and salutations. Then he said, "Good-bye." In my infinite spontaneous wisdom, I wanted to end with something else rather than a normal "good-bye," so in a nanosecond I decided to change it up by saying "See you later!"

See you later?!?!?!

Is that not one of the most cockiest things one could possible say at the end of an interview?? Especially one over the phone?! Almost instantly after I hung up, I realized the folly of what I had said and almost vocally whimpered. I was (and too an extent, am still) worried that he took my final words as, "Yeah, we both know I'm getting it, so see you later." Which is a lie, I'm not sure at all whether or not I have even a chance to get hired. I mean, I figured I've been contacting them for awhile and that means I have some sort of spark that they see. But even then, that does not excuse my final good-bye. Perhaps I'm over-thinking this little detail, and I've grown accustomed to telling myself, "Oh, he probably didn't hear, right?" ehhhhhhh.

I'll update when I find out whether or not I got the job, as well as what that job actually is. In the meantime, I'm going to review my interviewing skills, or lack thereof.

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