Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Poor Internet, Newspapers, and Schoolwork.

First off, I'd like to apologize to anyone who plays Guns of Icarus Online whose crew I was a part of and I have disconnected from. For the past few weeks I've been having internet troubles at my university that forces me to disconnect from every game that I attempt to join. Even worse, lately the school's networks have been demanding a sign-in process for any wireless use, which would be fine if a) it worked consistently and b) I actually stayed connected when attempting to play any game on the internet. As one can guess, neither are the case. I am a little tender currently as I was just forced out of a 4v4 deathmatch within the first five minutes of gameplay, and to anyone who plays GoIO know, this is not only incredibly frustrating but also detrimental to the crew of the ship. So once again, for what it means, apologies to everyone who I have unwillingly abandoned.

As promised, I come with news concerning the result of the interview as well as the position in question. Before my winter break in December, I had applied as a writer for the Black Sheep, a satirical newspaper that centers itself around a number of universities, ISU included. They took interest in my application and requested a few writing samples, which I completed and submitted within the dates that they were due. I may post the articles here at some point, but probably not until closer to the spring.

On an earlier post, I described the second interview process for the position that included an embarrassing yet humorous story (or at least I believed so) and ended with ambiguity as to where I stood as far as obtaining the position. To my disappointment, they decided not to accept me into their ranks as a writer through a formal e-mail. There are no hard or venomous feelings towards them, and I understand their position. However, this now leaves me without a job or any sort of volunteer position. Still, I am confident I will find something suitable for me.

For now, I'm playing things by year. I just had inspiration for a possible book idea involving a robot and a creator, but I'm not sure if this inspiration will last long enough for me to at least write a rough draft. As far as poems and stories go, they will not appear as quickly and closely-packed as they have lately. A majority of the works I shared were older poems I had used for other outlets. This does not mean I will stop writing them, however, and one should expect more in the comings months. Until then, let us hope the weather decides to warm itself soon.

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