Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Shuffling Stars

At the foot of the path of future
In a time when desires were imprisoned by my objectives
Unawareness clouded my every step
But my intentions moved towards the heavens
And the key to my mind’s cell appeared
For the moon rose above, white with a pale brilliance
With only an inch covered by necessities
But this eclipse did little to collapse this moment
And as I questioned why I deserved this reward
My feet reminded me of their existence
By testing my very balance on this Earth
And as I corrected their mistake
My eyes drew away too quickly
For when I returned my attention to the heavens
I admit, for my own fault in temptation
For better or for worse
It had disappeared behind shuffling stars
Leaving me in my spotlight of conscience.
I've tasted its bittersweets and should be content
And in a way, I have gotten my fill
No more do I need, no less I should accept
The memories are there coupled in my thankfulness

And this is all I need.

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