Sunday, February 22, 2015

Shout-outs to Cool People! Also, Small Updates.

Lately a few friends of mine have started projects on the internet that I'm really excited to see progress, and I figured they needed some attention to help them on their way. This may not be much, but its a way for them to get their names out in the open.

If you're a fan of let's plays on Youtube, then my friend Drake has started a channel with that exact purpose! The Mallard Gamer is currently tempting his fate in the popular horror game Five Nights at Freddy's and has a lot of plans for gaming in the future. He also posts daily vlogs to keep up with news and updates and has plans to host charity live streams. You can find him at the link below, or go onto YouTube and search for Mallard Gamer.

Mallard Gamer:

The second channel I want to recommend is madamPHORIC, also on YouTube. She has just started vlogging on her brand new channel and has possible plans for future let's plays and other collaborations. Her channel is even newer than Mallard's but shows just as much promise in my opinion.


Again, both of these channels are really good friends of mine and I really can't wait to see their channels grow. Please go show some support for them by subscribing or even leaving a like for one of their videos.

As for me, I'm currently in the process of a few minor projects. Underneath schoolwork, I'm also writing a few songs which I'll hopefully record and eventually share onto here. On top of that, I'm also starting a very rough draft for a short novel I wish to write. I'm still working out many of the kinks and dents in the layout, but the idea is slowly fleshing out and I'm excited to see where it goes!

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